Monday, September 24, 2007

Let the Shopping Begin…

After 19 long weeks, we finally got to learn the sex of the baby! As many of you have probably already heard, it’s a GIRL! We are so very excited! Grandma Rentmeester came to our appointment so she could share in this special event on her birthday and I think she was happy she was there for the news.

The ultrasound tech spent a lot of time checking out all the finer details, and we were happy to learn that our little girl is right on track for her age. All organs and body parts look healthy. It really is amazing to see all of that on the screen. She weighs 11 oz which, again, is right on target with our due date. YAY! She hasn't slowed down a bit either. Just as she was in the last two ultrasounds, she was moving all about for us today. I can’t quite feel her yet, although there have been a couple of times when I’ve wondered if I was feeling her faint movements…time will tell. I am sure it won’t be long before those little legs are kicking me in the ribs! :) Click here to watch a video of the ultrasound from today (it may take a few minutes to download so be patient).

We had fun sharing the news with everyone today, and yes, some of you gleamed with excitement at the mere fact that you “guessed” right. :) I think the only one who might have been a little disappointed was my nephew, Owen. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with the information. He predicted a boy and when we told him it was actually a girl, he got real quiet and didn’t have much to say for the rest of lunch. I am sure he will get used to the idea soon enough.

I know many of you are asking about names already and we wanted you to know that we have not picked anything out yet. We were real close with a boy’s name, so it’s back to the drawing board. We have a few ideas, but nothing set in stone. We will definitely share our final decision with everyone as soon as we have decided. :)

Everything else is going real well. I have been so blessed with this pregnancy. Morning sickness stayed away and my energy has returned! Dr. Tom requested that I actually put on some weight before my next visit. I was down just a bit, but I assured her it was not for lack of trying! ;-) In any case, I am eating as healthy as possible but allowing myself some comfort foods. Chris and I will be heading to Green Bay in just 17 days, so I have a sneaky suspicion I will find a few pounds between the cheese curds and Kroll’s burgers!

My next doctor’s visit is scheduled for Wednesday, October 10th.