Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dream a Little Dream

I had my first dream about the sex of the baby. I have been told this will happen frequently especially as I get further along in the pregnancy. It wasn’t anything extraordinary…in my dream there was a way to test for the sex of the baby by peeing on a stick. :)
Kind of silly, but in my dream it was a boy. It’s way too early to know, but we’ll see…

Chris and I aren’t exactly on the same page as far as finding out the sex of the baby before he/she arrives. I most definitely want to know beforehand, but he doesn’t think he wants to know. I told him I can keep a pretty good secret, so if he really doesn’t want to know I just won’t tell him! ;) I have a sneaky suspicion though that he’ll be just as anxious as me when the time comes to find out!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Where’s Snow White?

She’s gone missing, but the Seven Dwarfs seemed to have appeared rather quickly…Sleepy, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Crampy, and Bloaty welcome aboard!

All in all I feel well, besides the fact that I am constantly exhausted. I sure would like to find some energy somewhere. I am having a little trouble sleeping at night, waking up every few hours and sometimes every hour on the hour. Not much sickness as of yet, although the occasional queasiness does pass by, but no puking…stay away Pukey!

I’ve decided that I need to get back in the habit of riding our recumbent bike. My goal right now is 20 minutes a day. Today I got a little crazy and rode for 40 minutes. Wow-Wee! Reading helps keep my mind off the fact that I’m actually exercising. hee hee ;)

I’ve started reading What to Expect When You’re Expecting, and Eating Well When You’re Expecting. Both are good reads so far, packed with great information!

Unofficial Due Date

So…when are we due? That seems to be the first question everyone asks. According to our calculations, we are expecting Baby Nielsen sometime in February 2008. Now, pinpointing the actual date is a little harder. We are guessing somewhere between Feb 9-18. There are so many ways to calculate it that we decided to wait until we see the doctor to get the official ruling. I’ve added a pregnancy ticker at the bottom of this blog page, but it may have to be updated once Dr. Tom gives us a more accurate date.

I have an appointment to see my OB, Dr. Judy Tom, on Tuesday, June 17th at 8:15 AM. Chris plans to go to as many appointments as possible. I’m not exactly sure what I will be doing/going through during the initial visit, but Chris will be there in case anything exciting happens. :)

The Story Unfolds

On Sunday, June 10th we took our first home pregnancy test. Having taken so many of these tests in the past, I didn’t think twice when I set the test stick on the back of the toilet and walked out to start some laundry. When I walked back into the bathroom to check it, I instinctively grabbed it, looked at the results, and almost threw it away. I looked a second time and realized this time it was positive!

What?!?! No. It couldn’t be. When Chris came in, I had tears in my eyes looking a bit shocked. I told him I was pregnant and he got the usual smirk on his face and said, “Why the tears? This is supposed to be a happy moment!” I smiled and knew he was right. I just couldn’t believe it was true. So when in doubt…get another stick out. :) Second test was the same as the first…positive.

With an impending surgery lurking just two weeks away, I needed to find out for sure because I knew the surgery would no longer be an option if I was pregnant. Monday morning I headed off to the doctor’s office to get a blood test. It was a STAT order so the results came back within just a couple hours. The nurse called to tell me the home pregnancy tests were accurate and I was indeed pregnant. I called Chris immediately to let him know. Then I had to call the surgeon’s office to let them know I wouldn’t be able to have the surgery after all. Ironically, they told me the donor tissue did not pass the bacteria tests and they were going to have to cancel the surgery anyway. It’s interesting how everything always works out the way it’s meant to be.


Chris and I are so incredibly happy to finally be blessed with a baby. We have tried so hard and for so long that we thought this day would never come. But here we are…finally pregnant! Although we haven’t told everyone yet, we had to share the news with a few friends and family. And now the daily questions keep flooding in, “How are you feeling? Do you want a boy or a girl? Have you thought about names?” While eagerly trying to answer everyone’s questions, we wanted to find a way that would help keep everyone up-to-date with the latest and greatest news about Baby Nielsen without repeating ourselves every minute. Blogging seemed liked the best way to accomplish that…so WELCOME to KC and the Baby Blog!

Feel free to post comments for the things you read. We'd love to hear what you have to say!