Wednesday, August 15, 2007

OB Visit #2

Yesterday we went to see Dr. Tom for a routine appointment. We were very excited because we figured we were far enough along to finally hear the heartbeat! Unfortunately, we weren’t so lucky. :( Dr. Tom tried and tried but had no luck. I was a little worried at first, but then she grabbed the ultrasound machine, and we were able to see the little one again, including a very strong heartbeat. Dr. Tom said, “No wonder I couldn’t find the heartbeat. This little one won’t sit still!” Baby Nielsen was as active as the last ultrasound so we’ve decided that our new nickname for him/her is Little Gymnast. I sure hope he or she settles down a bit before I can start feeling all the movements, or I’m in for trouble!

Dr. Tom gave us a script for our Level II ultrasound. This ultrasound will examine the baby for any anatomic abnormalities. It’s typically performed between 18 and 22 weeks. During the ultrasound the technician will look at the fetal brain, heart, stomach, kidneys, spine, and umbilical cord insertion site. He will also note the position of the baby and how much amniotic fluid is present. Oh...and he’ll tell us the SEX OF THE BABY! Yippee! :)

Our appointment is scheduled for Monday, September 24th at 10:00 AM. (I will be 19 weeks by then.) Since this is Grandma Rentmeester’s birthday, we decided to invite her along to be one of the first people to know. I think she is very excited about seeing Grandbaby Number 5 on the big screen! We will be going to the same facility where we had the last ultrasound done (Phoenix Perinatal Associates), and we couldn’t be happier about that. They are extremely professional and thorough.

Next appointment with Dr. Tom: Wednesday, September 12th.

1 comment:

GRANDMA R said...

To Mom and Dad and that new little precious one! You better believe this Grandma is really excited to be the first one to know the babys sex! The most beautiful birthday gift any Grandma could ask for! Thank you for making me part of this very special blessing! Sure is going to make this birthday very exciting and I will be counting the days! Love You!
Grandma R and Papa R