Tuesday, July 17, 2007

1st Prenatal Visit

I had my first prenatal visit this morning. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Dr. Tom asked a whole bunch of questions, medical histories, etc. and did an exam. When we walked in the room, I was a little disappointed because I didn’t see anything that looked like it would be able to let me see or hear the baby. But lucky for us, I was wrong. Apparently there are only two machines in the office so they have to wait and snag it at just the right time before someone else gets it. Chris and I were so excited because we did indeed get to see the little peanut and the heartbeat! (only one…sorry, Mom) YAY! Chris saw it right away and well, it took me a minute, but I think I saw it. Needless to say, I didn’t exactly have the best seat in the house. Dr. Tom says there’s a nice strong heartbeat though, and that’s all I needed to hear. She tried to print a picture of the little one, but it just wouldn’t print. That was a bummer.

So, we are officially 9½ weeks pregnant with an estimated due date of February 15th. (Happy Birthday, Dad!) We got a huge pile of paperwork and informational type stuff. I need to stop by the lab tomorrow morning for some routine blood work. Like a dummy I walked out of the building without going there. I hate it when that happens!

Next appt: Tuesday, August 14th. (I will be seeing Dr. Tom every 4 weeks until I’m 30 weeks at which time I’ll start seeing her every other week.)

Until then, Chris and I will keep you up-to-date with what's going on in Baby Land. We just bought a bought a book called "Pregnancy: Your Ultimate Week-by-Week Guide." Our plan is to read the chapter that applies to our stage in the pregnancy together and try not to read ahead. This book will basically tell us what's going on in Baby Nielsen's world each week. We'll share the highlights with you as we go!


Anonymous said...

Kelly and Chris, I am so excited for you. I know how much you wanted this. Your baby will be a super cutie. It may not be the tallest kid around, but who needs that :). I love you both! Betsy

Anonymous said...

This blog thing is really cool. Congratulations on the successful doctor visits. I hope that you have an exciting journey to February 15th. Actually, if it's early you could have a Valentine's Day baby.