Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Second 4D Ultrasound

Below you will find a clip of Madelyn’s most recent ultrasound. We always look forward to seeing her, and were a little sad to know this would be the last time we’d get a sneak-peek before she’s born. She has filled out a little bit since the last ultrasound; still has the same chubby cheeks and pouty lips.

She was still quite camera shy during this visit. We had to wiggle her around a bit to get her to move her arm. She likes to have it right up next to her head. She likes to have her foot there, too. You will notice her big toe floating around near her face for most of this video. You will also get to see her suck on her wrist and even flash us her tiny smile. That one brought tears to our eyes.

The holidays seem to be flying right by us. We spent Christmas morning at my sister, Kristin’s house. This year we decided to focus on the kids. The adults adopted a family in need instead of buying each other gifts. I have to say it was the most rewarding Christmas for us…and a lot less stressful! Madelyn made out like a bandit. Chris and I laughed because she’s not even here yet, and she still managed to rake in the gifts! :)

We hope everyone had a great holiday. Relax and stay safe into the New Year! I will write more soon with an update on the nursery…it is finally complete, and it’s adorable!

Madelyn's 4D Ultrasound (Click the Play button.)

1 comment:

sweetcakes said...

Looks just like her mother! You should put one of Kelly's baby pictures on here to show the resemblance.