Monday, October 1, 2007

Potty Break

If you have ever visited my office, you know that in order to use the restroom you have to walk across the parking lot to get there. Now, this used to be a bigger feat because while walking across the parking lot you also had to dodge school buses. Fortunately, the buses are gone, so now it’s just a matter of bolting across the parking lot when in need without falling flat on your face (which I have already managed to accomplish once this trimester). This never goes without at least one comment on how much of a pain it is to get to the bathroom.

Today, however, I learned just how much I love that little bathroom. The workers who are finishing up the fiber near our office hit both the water and sewer lines. Hello! Didn’t someone tell them there’s a pregnant lady in the building!? So I waited. And waited. And waited a little more. But when you’re pregnant, you get to a point where waiting just won’t cut it. So, after an hour and a half of hoping they would get it fixed soon, off to McDonald’s we ran! This made Cindy and I giggle because it took about the same amount of time to get to McDonald’s as it does to get across the parking lot and through the maze to the bathroom! Hopefully it will be fixed by tomorrow!

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