Grandma and Papa Rentmeester and Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen came along for the fun, too. Everyone was really impressed with the latest and greatest technology. We all agreed how fortunate we are to be part of this tech age. As if we weren’t already excited enough to meet our sweet little baby girl, we can hardly wait now! Fortunately, we have lots to do to keep us busy before she gets here…
Grandma Rentmeester and Daddy have been working hard to get the nursery painted. It is coming along so nicely. I have been taking pictures of the different phases and will try to get them posted tomorrow. Chris gave me such a hard time when I came up with the design, but I think everyone is really excited now that things are coming together.
We are scheduled for another 4D ultrasound on December 22nd so we’ll be able to see how much she’s grown. Everything else has been going really well. I am feeling great and starting to prepare for my favorite time of the year --- Christmas! :)
Click here to view some still images and a video from today’s ultrasound.
Call me biased, but I think she already looks like her mommy.
Thank God....
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