Monday, March 3, 2008

Three Weeks Old

Today Madelyn is three weeks old! Where did the time go?? It seems to go by faster each day, making it hard to hold on to these precious moments.

We are learning so much about her, and I think she is even learning about us. Although a routine has not found its way into our house yet, each night has gotten a little better. :) Madelyn sleeps 2-3 hours at a time which does allow us to get a bit of sleep. Chris and I laugh now because the first week Madelyn was home, we both got up and took care of her during each feeding and diaper change. We laugh because now when the "alarm clock" we call Madi goes off, we roll over in bed and look at each other, usually whispering with eyes half shut, "It's your turn." :) This system seems to work much better for us, and ultimately allows us a bit of sanity.

I am starting to adjust to my time at home (although I won't lie...there have been moments when I have thought how nice it would be to go to work). Madelyn and I enjoy hanging out staring at each other. Well perhaps me more at her. She has a new best friend, Mr. Ceiling Fan. She is madly in love with him and can't take her eyes off of him. She is learning that Mr. Ceiling Fan also has many cousins in our house, and she loves squeaking at all of them. It is too sweet.

I have taken Madelyn shopping on a couple of occasions, and I must say two things: 1) Madelyn is already proving to be very expensive because Mommy can't resist all the cute little outfits she finds at the outlet mall, and 2) Madelyn already loves to shop! She is a great traveler both in the car and in her stroller. She mostly sleeps, but will often open her eyes when she sees a good deal, or if a nice lady comes to take a peek at her. She loves people!

Here are today's pictures in her chair:
(The first one makes us giggle because the look on her face says it all..."Why do I have to keep doing this?")

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