Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dude. Where's the Diaper?

So what does a cool guy do to prepare for the birth of his first child? He goes online and finds the hippest diaper bag possible. Remember, however, that “hip” is relative. ;)

Dr. Tom told us about a diaper bag that would make toting a baby and a bag at the same time much easier…it’s the Diaper Dude. :) Once Chris did a little research, he decided this was indeed the bag for him! Not only is it designed to be easy to carry with a child in your arms, it has cool “daddy” type designs and colors that include things such as camouflage, dragons, skull and cross bones and even the peace sign. Now, if you know Chris, you know exactly which one he chose…and if you don’t know him that well, see the image below. I am happy that our society has finally decided to start creating items for men so they, too, can feel like they are part of the whole process (Read between the lines: Thank God someone is finally making something to help the Dads of the world take part in the diaper changing experience). And if it’s a bag that makes them feel better about changing a diaper, then get ‘em the bag! ;)

Of course, you know I’m joking here. I know Chris is going to be a great Dad who will gladly change diapers. :) It has been so refreshing to see his excitement with all of this. As a matter of fact, after Friday’s appointment, I could see the disappointment on his face when Dr. Tom said we hadn’t made any real progress. He is so anxious to meet his baby girl, he can hardly stand it! Fortunately, it won’t be much longer now… :)

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