Monday, February 25, 2008

Two Weeks Old

Today Madelyn is two weeks old. She is doing so well and is growing like a weed!!

Chris and I are both battling bronchitis, with Chris on the verge of pneumonia. Fortunately, we are both on antibiotics and should no longer be contagious. We were concerned about Madelyn though so we brought her into the doctor this afternoon. The doctor gave her a clean bill of health and we were quite relieved. She gave us some signs to look for over the next few days, but all in all she said little ones are pretty resilient to these kinds of things.

Now, as I mentioned, Madelyn is growing like a weed. They weighed her at the doctor’s office today and she now weighs 7 pounds, 6 ounces. Chris and I looked at each other in complete disbelief, and giggled out loud. In a week and a half she has gained almost a pound! The doctor overheard our conversation and when she came into the room she let us know that this was a real good weight. We knew she was a great eater, but had no idea how well she was really doing. :) This all came as a nice surprise especially since the breastfeeding thing didn’t work out…I feel good about her eating habits and know she is getting what she needs. However, I think Madelyn was listening at the doctor’s office because she only ate half what she normally eats when we got home. Poor little girl. I think we made her feel bad. ;)

(Click an image to view a larger version)

No More Umbilical Cord

Today also marked the day Madelyn lost her umbilical cord! As silly as it seems, we were so excited! Now we can give her a real bath! We are hoping she will like that more than the sponge baths we've had to give her...we'll keep you posted on that one. :)

A Lasting Impression

We also made a stop at Wee Piggies to have impressions made of Madelyn's cute little tootsies. She was such a good girl while Lorraine dipped her feet to make the molds. We are going to have a shadow box made with her picture and these little feet. Once we get a picture that we want to use we should have it in about 3 weeks. We can't wait, and will surely share the final product once it's complete.

1 comment:

sweetcakes said...

I like how your put her in the same chair and same position so that we can really tell how much she's grown.