Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Nursery Update

Madelyn's dresser finally arrived! We have everything in its place, with a few minor finishing touches left to complete. We are so pleased with the way it all turned out and we think Madelyn will enjoy it as well!

There a many items that I thought I'd point out because they are very special to us...

This pink Packers helmet was given to us at Madelyn's first (surprise) shower in Green Bay. All the relatives who were there signed it! How cool is that!?!?

This adorable blanket was handmade by my Godmother, Darlene. It is the sweetest thing! We can't wait to wrap Madelyn up in it!

For Christmas this year, Grandma and Papa R. bought Madelyn this little rocking chair that matches the rest of the furniture in the room. She will love it, I am certain!

I have added a few more pictures to the here to see them (it may take a minute or so to load depending on your connection). If you didn't have a chance to see the whole process, click this link to the main gallery page.

Second 4D Ultrasound

Below you will find a clip of Madelyn’s most recent ultrasound. We always look forward to seeing her, and were a little sad to know this would be the last time we’d get a sneak-peek before she’s born. She has filled out a little bit since the last ultrasound; still has the same chubby cheeks and pouty lips.

She was still quite camera shy during this visit. We had to wiggle her around a bit to get her to move her arm. She likes to have it right up next to her head. She likes to have her foot there, too. You will notice her big toe floating around near her face for most of this video. You will also get to see her suck on her wrist and even flash us her tiny smile. That one brought tears to our eyes.

The holidays seem to be flying right by us. We spent Christmas morning at my sister, Kristin’s house. This year we decided to focus on the kids. The adults adopted a family in need instead of buying each other gifts. I have to say it was the most rewarding Christmas for us…and a lot less stressful! Madelyn made out like a bandit. Chris and I laughed because she’s not even here yet, and she still managed to rake in the gifts! :)

We hope everyone had a great holiday. Relax and stay safe into the New Year! I will write more soon with an update on the nursery…it is finally complete, and it’s adorable!

Madelyn's 4D Ultrasound (Click the Play button.)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

OB Childbirth Prep Course – Part IV

Last night Chris and I attended our last childbirth prep course. It was nice to wrap up this series of learning, but we did enjoy the class.

As soon as all the couple arrived to class, we headed off for our hospital tour. I was honestly surprised to see how many rooms a person must experience during labor and delivery. We started at the triage desk, where we will check-in when we think we’ve gone into labor. Once checked in here, they will take us to a small "closet", also known as the check-up room. Here a nurse will do an exam to be sure we are in active labor. If not, the road stops there and they will send us home. If so, we will complete the registration process and get checked into a Labor & Delivery room. This was our next stop. I was impressed with the size of the room; although I’m sure they are not all like that. I wondered to myself if it was like buying a timeshare…they show you the best room to pull you in, and then end up giving you the tiniest room for your dollar. We’ll see. We were touring the new maternity wing, so I think that's where we want to be…not that we’ll have a choice. If we do end up in a room similar to the one we visited, I will be happy.

Let’s just start with the bed. Wow. It didn’t really look comfortable at all, but I couldn't believe all the different things it did. That was one techie bed! As our instructor showed us some of the positions you could put the bed in, she also pointed out the “gooey bucket.” We all laughed out loud. They actually have a bucket thing under the bed…I won’t go into details about it for those of you who may never have to experience it…but I’m sure you get the picture just by the name itself. :)

Afterwards we headed toward the nursery. There was only one little baby there, but his dad was proud to show him off to all of us on the other side of the glass. I was happy to hear that this hospital also has a high level NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). Not that I want to use it, but I was glad to hear they are only a teeny tiny step away from the top of the line NICU across the state. You never know what can happen, and I was relieved to know that they could care for Baby Madelyn no matter what (minus one or two rare things).

Then we headed over to the post-op rooms. This is where visitors can come see Madelyn for the first time. Again these rooms were not too bad. They weren’t huge, but they seemed nice, and all of them were private. I liked that. I also liked that Madelyn will be able to be in the room for the whole time if there are no complications. There seem to be some pretty strict requirements about who can/should visit the baby, so we’ll see how that goes. Apparently, kids under 10 should not come to the hospital unless they are siblings. I need to read the actual rules more carefully in the book they gave us, but they are most worried about little ones bringing in more germs then the average adult.

After our tour we headed back downstairs and finished up the course with information on baby care and breastfeeding. Baby Care proved to be interesting for Chris. We learned how to swaddle a newborn (or as Chris likes to say, “It’s a Baby Burrito!”). That seemed fairly simple, but I think everything is simplified when you’re working with a doll. ;) She also taught us how to give a sponge bath. That’s all we can give until the umbilical cord falls out (1-2 weeks). I let Chris practice that, and he did a nice job. :)

Lastly, we learned about breastfeeding. I enjoyed this topic, probably because I knew the least about this than any other. Our instructor gave us some good tips. She recommended that instead of buying an expensive pump, rent one for one month so you can make sure everything works out the way you plan. If everything works out well, then buy a real good pump. I hadn’t thought of doing that, so that’s our new plan of action. She also recommended that we meet with the lactation consultant while we’re in the hospital, even if things are going well, because it’s FREE. Once we leave the hospital it can be up to $150 an hour for a consultation. No, thank you.

Anyway…we are feeling good about everything. Tomorrow is my last day of work before Christmas Break! I am really looking forward to catching up on some rest and relaxation. Chris and I have a few things we’d like to accomplish during these two weeks, including: writing a birth plan, getting the hospital bags started, and filing some important insurance paperwork. We are also planning to travel to Tucson to tour the Cord Blood Registry banking facility. This facility is apparently the largest in the United States. We have researched several large companies and feel confident going with this one. We’ll update you on this after our tour on the 28th.

In the meantime, we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday!

Friday, December 14, 2007

OB Childbirth Prep Course – Part III

Kelly - 30 Weeks
This week marked our third childbirth preparation class. We discussed many things, and watch several videos, as usual. Our first discussion was about having a birth plan. Most of us wondered exactly what that was. Apparently it’s important to put your wishes for your labor and delivery in writing in case you are too delirious to tell the hospital staff. So here’s my birth plan: 1) Get to the hospital, 2) Get drugs, 3) Pop little Madelyn out. Well, okay, so that’s not really a birth plan, but I’m working on it. :)

Our next topic, which coincidentally falls right into my current birth plan, was interventions for pain. We learned about the types of drugs that are administered if we have to be induced, as well as medications that help speed up labor if things aren’t progressing as they should be. We also talked about analgesics, which help comfort you, but don’t completely take your pain away. Some of these included Demerol, Stadol, and Morphine. Then came the good stuff…epidurals. We discussed the pros and cons of getting an epidural, and we also got to watch an actual epidural being performed. Although this video made some people squirm (mostly boys…sorry guys, but some of you really are whimpy---thank God Chris is not!), I was excited to see it. I have been planning for an epidural since the day I found out I was pregnant, so it was interesting to see the actual process. And honestly, it doesn’t look so bad…10 minutes or so of pain and then some relaxation. Sign me up!

We talked a little bit about Cesarean Sections, and got to watch a video on that, too. Hopefully we won’t have to go that route.

Next week, during our last childbirth class, we are taking a tour of the hospital. Our instructor told us to wear comfortable shoes because we would be walking for most of the class. I am curious to see how they will fit all of the class participants in some of the areas we’re visiting, but I suppose they are accustomed to making it work. We’re looking forward to seeing the facilities…it’s hard to believe we’re only 9 weeks away! Time has been flying right on by…

I am counting the days to Winter Break…as of the end of the day today, only 7 days to go. I am looking forward to being at home, relaxing. Chris and I plan to do as much of that as possible. He is taking some time off, too, so it will be nice to be at home together. Hopefully we’ll put the final touches on the nursery. We are waiting for the last piece of furniture, the dresser, which should arrive next week sometime. It will be nice to have it all put together. I have added a few more pictures of the progress.
Click here to see some new pictures (this is a link to page two of the album).

Upcoming Events:
Appointment with Dr. Tom, Thursday, December 20th
3D/4D Ultrasound, Saturday, December 22nd

Thursday, December 6, 2007

OB Childbirth Prep Course – Part II

Last night we went to our second childbirth class. Again, we found ourselves learning some new things. It was fun to hear things that we already knew because it made us feel smart….and somewhat prepared.

Highlight of the evening: Beanbag Babies. These were beanbags that had a picture of what the baby looks like at the many stages of pregnancy, and the best part was that they were weighted to be the same during that stage. So, for example, a baby at 40 weeks weighed 7 pounds. The boys found this especially intriguing. As the beanbags went around the room, gradually getting heavier and heavier, you could hear each of them oooh and ahhhh over them. And then there was the choir of pregnant woman who giggled as these boys got a feel (minus all the back and bladder pain) for exactly what it is we’ve been carrying around. I loved it! :)

Madelyn decided to join the party last night. She was the most active she’s been yet! For nearly two straight hours she wiggled and kicked all around, I think trying to add her own little opinion to the class. This was fun for Chris since he hasn’t really felt too much. Up until last night, Madi would stop her movements every time he would put his hand on my belly. But last night was a real treat. At the beginning of the class, I whispered to him to put his hand on my belly, and then I put my hands over his to keep it there (he tends to get a little impatient). It didn’t take long for his eyes to pop out of his head when she continued to move around. He was surprised at how active she was all class. I was, too, actually. I wondered if it could have been the Cherry Limeade I was drinking. That has been my sweet treat for the last few weeks now. I love it (and apparently so did Madelyn)!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

OB Childbirth Prep Course – Part I

Last night, Chris and I attended our first childbirth class. When we arrived at the hospital, there was a sign that directed us to our room. One room was for “regular” childbirth and one was for “natural.” Chris and I both laughed when we saw natural. Not that I don’t completely respect women who try or successfully go through the entire process without drugs, but honestly….give me drugs. Please. :)

Overall, it was a good class…we learned some new things, although some things were familiar to us already. But I think that’s just because we’ve been doing some reading and researching. :) Our instructor was good though…she had a great sense of humor and more importantly, she just had a baby 6 months ago, so when we asked questions, she not only gave us an answer as a professional (she’s a labor & delivery nurse), but also as a new mom who recently went through all of it.

The class started with some brief introductions. There were 16 couples enrolled, so it was interesting to see the variety of people and belly sizes. :) Once introductions were finished we started right into some basic information: the anatomy of a pregnant woman and the stages of labor. But my favorite part came when everyone put their pillows on the floor and we practiced some relaxation techniques. This was nice, partly because it was 8:30 PM (close to bedtime) and I was able to lie on the floor, leaning on Chris with a couple of pillows. The lights were low and the music was soft. The first technique was to help the Daddies (or other partner) learn how to help relax the Mommies. This was wonderful! Our instructor walked them through the process of gentle massage from our heads to our toes. I told Chris we should practice this each night. ;) Then we practiced some breathing. This was interesting because she put an animated graph on the big screen which took us from the first cleansing breath all the way through the “contraction” as it progressively got stronger and then finally we were at the last cleansing breath. I thought this was good practice. Not that breathing is difficult, but more so because it was interesting to watch the contraction. Our instructor told us that we would be able to watch our contractions on the monitor during labor and it would look similar. She told the Dads they needed to be aware of how this looked so they can let us know when the contraction is almost finished. I thought this was particularly good. The Dads need a job during all of this, too. Although I’m pretty sure I will wish I could switch roles once I’m actually going through it. :)

The funniest part of the night was during the last 30 minutes or so. Our instructor had us watch a video that kind of brought everything together from the night’s lessons. It was basically an illustrated walk-through of the stages of labor all the way through delivery. The animated illustrations were enough to give everyone a visual understanding of the process. But then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the video went from illustration to live video. Now it didn’t bother me or Chris, or most of the others, but the funny part was when one of the Daddies just about fell on the floor when he saw a real live baby being born. Apparently, he had no idea what he was in for in all of this, but he was like a 10-year-old little boy. At one point he said, “What’s that?” with a somewhat shaky voice. The instructor just smiled and simply said, “That’s the baby’s head.” I am pretty sure he wanted to cry. Poor guy.

Got Snoogle?

I just had to write a note to tell you about the most wonderful thing I just discovered…it’s a SNOOGLE! Last night, before our childbirth class, Chris and I went to Babies R Us to register for the rest of our items. Of course, I’m sure we missed some things, but honestly, it was hard. Part of me wanted to just scan one of everything so we’d be safe. Chris and I pretty much decided we’d scan what we thought was important for the first few months, and then get the rest as we need it. We did register for some things for later, but I think just a few. Anyway…back to my Snoogle story

For the last two weeks I have been having some trouble sleeping at night; nothing real bad, just awake several times during the night, needing to reposition myself. While we were standing in line at the registry counter, I noticed a heart monitor nearby and reminded Chris that we were in the third trimester now, so we should get one. When we walked over to pick one out, we noticed the Snoogle. I had recently read an article about this pillow and how great it was for expecting mothers. Although I was hesitant to get it because it’s not cheap, Chris insisted I try it. (Of course, this would benefit him, too, if it would keep me from rolling around so much at night.) Well…I used it last night, and WOW WEE! What a difference it makes! If any of you are planning to have children in the future, be sure to invest in one of these pillows! I slept almost the whole night through, only getting up once to pee! :) YIPPEE!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

1st Appointment with Our Pediatrician

Today I met with Dr. Harold Magalnick. He is a pediatrician at Pediatrix in Phoenix. After being asked for this information twice from my OB (and her nurse), I decided I needed to heed their advice and meet with the doctor before making a final decision.

I have to thank Michelle and Abbi for referring me to Pediatrix. It seemed like a great facility with a very helpful staff. Meeting Dr. Magalnick was just as nice. He sat with me for 25 minutes talking about my pregnancy and Baby Madelyn (we even talked about one of his star patients, Grayce). He seemed very attentive; listening closely to what I had to say. He even got small details right throughout our discussion…things like asking and remembering Madelyn’s name. We talked briefly about his background and he shared with me his passion to be a pediatrician. He said he knew it was what he wanted to do since he was 10 years old.

Dr. Magalnick reassured me that he would guide both me and Chris through this new process of parenthood. He said after she was born he would give us shot schedules and feeding schedules. And as dumb as it may sound, I was so relieved. How is a person supposed to know these things unless you’re committed to reading ALL the books (and who has time for that??). But even then you have to decipher between who knows best. I was just happy knowing he would have a plan in place for us! :)

We also discussed something Chris and I have been weighing the options for…Cord Blood Banking. We recently started to do some research about this process, but we are definitely leaning in that direction. I asked Dr. Magalnick if he had any reasons for not doing this procedure, and he basically said that most people will never have the need to use it (knock on wood), but that it’s something that can make a difference between life and death should someone become very ill. He was really good about not persuading me one way or the other, but he gave me some good information to think about. We will continue to do our research and then will make our decision, although it seems like an obvious one to me. ;)

In the meantime, I will check this off my To Do List. Tomorrow I have an appointment with a new primary care physician (since I have only ever seen the nurse practitioner, I need to have this established before Madelyn is born).

Then it’s off to our first Child Birth class tomorrow night; now THATshould be interesting

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Madelyn’s Room

Many of you have asked to see pictures of the baby’s room, so I decided to upload the progress so far. We are getting very excited as we add each new part. Keep in mind it’s still a work in progress, but it’s coming along nicely. We’re hoping to be finished in a couple of weeks. Grandma Rentmeester and Daddy have put a lot of hard work into this project and I know Madelyn will love it!

Click here to see pictures of our progress so far…

Saturday, November 17, 2007

4D Ultrasound

Today we had our first 4D ultrasound…how amazing! We went to Peek of You in Glendale and couldn’t have been happier! What a blessing to get a sneak-peek of Madelyn. It was so exciting to see how she has started to develop! I was surprised to see how filled out she is already. She showed off her chubby cheeks and even puckered her lips. She’s not exactly an exhibitionist, but she did give us a couple good shots. During our 30 minute visit, she decided to stay rolled up in a little ball (literally) for most of the time. We giggled as we learned that both arms and legs were up near her head, and we decided to enroll her in gymnastics as soon as she’s born. :) I tried rolling on each side, and I even stood up for a while to see if we could get her to move. She wanted nothing to do with it though; she was quite content in her own little world. She was only interested in one thing…napping, and that’s what she did. :)

Grandma and Papa Rentmeester and Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen came along for the fun, too. Everyone was really impressed with the latest and greatest technology. We all agreed how fortunate we are to be part of this tech age. As if we weren’t already excited enough to meet our sweet little baby girl, we can hardly wait now! Fortunately, we have lots to do to keep us busy before she gets here…

Grandma Rentmeester and Daddy have been working hard to get the nursery painted. It is coming along so nicely. I have been taking pictures of the different phases and will try to get them posted tomorrow. Chris gave me such a hard time when I came up with the design, but I think everyone is really excited now that things are coming together.

We are scheduled for another 4D ultrasound on December 22nd so we’ll be able to see how much she’s grown. Everything else has been going really well. I am feeling great and starting to prepare for my favorite time of the year --- Christmas! :)

Click here to view some still images and a video from today’s ultrasound.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another Packer Fan

We brought Madelyn to her very first Packer game today! The Packers played the Redskins, and WOO HOO….the Pack won 17 -14! It was a great game…very close! The weather wasn’t that wonderful, but I always say the yuckier the weather, the better the game. Maybe next year we’ll even get snow! (That’s truly the BEST kind of Packer game, in my humble opinion.)

Aunt Linda and Uncle Bill treated us to the game, and we had so much fun! Aunt Linda has officially lost her voice, but I know she thinks it's worth it! :) Now we're all ready to put on our Packer jammies and relax for the night! Tomorrow we head back to Phoenix...we never look forward to that, but we've already started talking about another trip next summer. :)

Surprise Baby Shower!

We arrived safely in Green Bay Friday night and have been enjoying every minute of our stay (as usual). We made our usual trip to the Packer Pro Shop (Chris has a serious addiction) and this year we added the Packer Tour to the list. We spent some time in the Hall of Fame and then got to tour the stadium! What fun! We really enjoyed getting to run through the same tunnel where all the players run to get to the field each game! We felt like real players..well, almost. :)

Yesterday, my Aunt Mary and Aunt Linda surprised us with a baby shower! They invited my cousins and aunts and uncles (from Dad’s side of the family). I was so surprised when the little kids came running out to say hello! We certainly did not expect any of it, but it was such a treat! Madelyn is spoiled already! I told Chris he really needs to get to work on the baby’s closet…it’s going to be full before she even gets here!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Madelyn Claire

Yes, we have finally chosen a name for our sweet baby girl…Madelyn Claire it is! It was fun going through everyone’s ideas...we have some pretty creative friends! (even Zona who was very persistent with her Little House on the Prairie names…she still refers to her as Nellie) But ultimately, after going through all the books and everyone’s lists, it came down to our original plan for Madelyn. We are excited that we can now officially call her by her name!


Over the past several weeks I have been feeling little movements here and there. They were few and far between and very faint. But now things are starting to become a little more obvious to me! She has some specific times during the day when she likes to make her presence known: 9:30 AM and then again around 3 PM. Of course there are times in between, but these two always seem to be the most active. That is until it’s time for bed! ;) It’s funny because now I am so excited for nighttime because I can lie down and spend some time feeling her move all about. Chris has spent some time lying with his hand on my belly, but hasn’t been able to feel her…….until this morning! We both woke up real early for some reason and I mentioned to him that she was awfully active. He put his hand on my belly and what do you know? He actually felt her move! Of course he says he has a hard time deciphering between her moving and my growling tummy. :) But I think now that he knows what he’s feeling for, he’ll be able to take part in it a little more often!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Potty Break

If you have ever visited my office, you know that in order to use the restroom you have to walk across the parking lot to get there. Now, this used to be a bigger feat because while walking across the parking lot you also had to dodge school buses. Fortunately, the buses are gone, so now it’s just a matter of bolting across the parking lot when in need without falling flat on your face (which I have already managed to accomplish once this trimester). This never goes without at least one comment on how much of a pain it is to get to the bathroom.

Today, however, I learned just how much I love that little bathroom. The workers who are finishing up the fiber near our office hit both the water and sewer lines. Hello! Didn’t someone tell them there’s a pregnant lady in the building!? So I waited. And waited. And waited a little more. But when you’re pregnant, you get to a point where waiting just won’t cut it. So, after an hour and a half of hoping they would get it fixed soon, off to McDonald’s we ran! This made Cindy and I giggle because it took about the same amount of time to get to McDonald’s as it does to get across the parking lot and through the maze to the bathroom! Hopefully it will be fixed by tomorrow!

Thank Goodness for Aunties!

Baby Nielsen has already received boxes of clothes from her Auntie Kristin. (Thank you, Auntie!) Chris and I were so excited to sit and look through all the great little outfits we’ll soon be dressing our baby in. Kristin saved many of the outfits from when Olivia was a baby, all of which are from her favorite store, Gymboree. We were so happy to get all of the cute outfits, mostly because Mommy is a bit style-challenged and Daddy can use all the help he can get when it comes to coordinating the tops and bottoms! Gymboree is perfect for both of us! We now have several crates for each of the ages (03, 3-6, 6-9, etc.)

Not that this is the end-all be-all. Many people have already started shopping, too, since they know what we’re having now. It’s a good thing we’ve decided to make the office the nursery because now she will have a big walk-in closet! :) (Thanks, honey!)

Shopping Time

This weekend, Chris and I decided (since we finally know we’re having a girl) to do a little shopping. I have been spending lots of time browsing through catalogs to find just the right nursery ensemble. Since most of you know I really thought I was having a boy, we had to change the plan just a bit. Not that our little girl wouldn’t enjoy some of the more masculine items we had in mind, but we wanted to make it special, just for her.

So, we headed out to USA Baby. I knew this store was way over-priced, but I thought it would give us a palce to start and eventually compare prices to once we got to Babies R Us and Target. Well, over-priced is understated. Although they had many adorable things to choose from, everything seemed to be priced at $500 or more. And that was just the bedding. Ugh. We did manage to get some good ideas though, and by the time we were on the road to Babies R US we had a better vision of what we might end up with in her room.

Have you been to Babies R Us? If you haven’t and you are like me (easily overwhelmed with too many choices) stay away. From the minute we walked into the store to the second we walked out I was in a state of fear. Now, I’m not sure if this was fear for all of the things staring me in the face that I knew would soon be a part of my daily life, or fear of trying to pick out one style of stroller out of about 25. Fortunately, our goal for the day was to try to find a crib and dresser. We spent a little time browsing the other isles, but soon found ourselves in the furniture section. We must have walked around this section 6 or 7 times before I finally sat down in a glider (of which I must surely buy). Here Chris and I discussed the fact that although our sweetest little angel deserves the very best, it is absolutely outrageous to pay $600 for a crib. We decided since she will only use it for a couple years, it would probably be wise to get something nice, but less expensive. We picked out a style we liked there and left with a flyer.

Once I got home, I decided to check the old standby….eBay! It’s amazing what they have listed. I’m not sure we’ll go that route, but it sure is tempting! I think if we get things organized in the next few weeks we’ll be okay even if something has to be ordered. We don’t want to get anything too quickly because Daddy still needs to do the floors! :) Grandma R is also anxiously waiting to paint the nursery. She apparently LOVES to paint, and by all means we are going to let her! Of course, that will require us to come up with a plan for the room. We are getting closer on that, too….think pink and green (very trendy, but lots of options there).

Everyone is still asking about the name. We are close to deciding, but want to make sure we haven’t left out any ideas. We have enjoyed getting everyone’s comments and ideas about their own personal choices, although some have us a little scared. Perhaps once we have it narrowed down a bit we’ll add another
poll and let you have some fun with it. OR…we may just tell you what we’ve decided. :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Let the Shopping Begin…

After 19 long weeks, we finally got to learn the sex of the baby! As many of you have probably already heard, it’s a GIRL! We are so very excited! Grandma Rentmeester came to our appointment so she could share in this special event on her birthday and I think she was happy she was there for the news.

The ultrasound tech spent a lot of time checking out all the finer details, and we were happy to learn that our little girl is right on track for her age. All organs and body parts look healthy. It really is amazing to see all of that on the screen. She weighs 11 oz which, again, is right on target with our due date. YAY! She hasn't slowed down a bit either. Just as she was in the last two ultrasounds, she was moving all about for us today. I can’t quite feel her yet, although there have been a couple of times when I’ve wondered if I was feeling her faint movements…time will tell. I am sure it won’t be long before those little legs are kicking me in the ribs! :) Click here to watch a video of the ultrasound from today (it may take a few minutes to download so be patient).

We had fun sharing the news with everyone today, and yes, some of you gleamed with excitement at the mere fact that you “guessed” right. :) I think the only one who might have been a little disappointed was my nephew, Owen. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with the information. He predicted a boy and when we told him it was actually a girl, he got real quiet and didn’t have much to say for the rest of lunch. I am sure he will get used to the idea soon enough.

I know many of you are asking about names already and we wanted you to know that we have not picked anything out yet. We were real close with a boy’s name, so it’s back to the drawing board. We have a few ideas, but nothing set in stone. We will definitely share our final decision with everyone as soon as we have decided. :)

Everything else is going real well. I have been so blessed with this pregnancy. Morning sickness stayed away and my energy has returned! Dr. Tom requested that I actually put on some weight before my next visit. I was down just a bit, but I assured her it was not for lack of trying! ;-) In any case, I am eating as healthy as possible but allowing myself some comfort foods. Chris and I will be heading to Green Bay in just 17 days, so I have a sneaky suspicion I will find a few pounds between the cheese curds and Kroll’s burgers!

My next doctor’s visit is scheduled for Wednesday, October 10th.

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Belly

I recently received a box full of maternity clothes from my cousin’s wife, Mollie (Thanks, Mollie!) While many of the items will be a great start to this collection of clothes, I learned that Mollie is a string bean. :) Being short has never been in my favor, and this was a moment when I was reminded of that.

So…I called a good friend, Donna, and asked her if she would come with me to shop for a few more items to get me by for a couple months. She jumped at the chance to go shopping (even if it was for maternity clothes…afterall, shopping is shopping).

We decided we’d head to Motherhood. I was really excited to see all the great outfits they had. I was expecting to find racks and racks of frumpy clothes, but instead I was surprised to find lots of options. So, Donna and I split up and started gathering items. Eventually we couldn’t hold everything we had in our arms and we decided it was time for me to try on some clothes.

We neatly sorted the items in groups of pants, shirts, etc. and oh the fun we had…well not really. As I started to try things on, I felt like I was swimming in just about all the shirts. (Need a visual? Picture me stepping into the middle of a tent and popping my head out of the top.) I encouraged Donna to go grab some smaller sizes (and she did, of course). I mean, really, what girl doesn’t want to wear a size smaller! Duh.

As soon as I started trying on the smaller sizes I felt better about the way they looked on me. “Whew,” I thought. But then, the truth hit. Donna asked if I thought they would still fit in a few months. Looking in the mirror, I instantly said, “Yah. Look at all this room (holding the shirt away from my body).” She laughed and handed me THE BELLY.

For those of you who have not experienced this yet, let me explain. The Belly is basically a pillow that has an elastic band to wrap around your waist so you can see how clothes will fit in the coming months. So I put The Belly on and tried on my first shirt…

The truth can really hurt. This was the moment I realized that I am going to be huge. Holy cow! We laughed so hard I wanted to cry. There is nothing scarier then looking in the mirror while you’re real belly still hasn’t quite “popped” and seeing what is just around the corner. Oh my.

As scary is it was, however, I am still excited for this little one to grow! I am anxious to feel him/her move for the first time. And I am well aware that in order for me to experience these things I need to accept the fact that My Belly is going to go through some changes, too. So here I am, fastening my seatbelt, getting ready to enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

OB Visit #2

Yesterday we went to see Dr. Tom for a routine appointment. We were very excited because we figured we were far enough along to finally hear the heartbeat! Unfortunately, we weren’t so lucky. :( Dr. Tom tried and tried but had no luck. I was a little worried at first, but then she grabbed the ultrasound machine, and we were able to see the little one again, including a very strong heartbeat. Dr. Tom said, “No wonder I couldn’t find the heartbeat. This little one won’t sit still!” Baby Nielsen was as active as the last ultrasound so we’ve decided that our new nickname for him/her is Little Gymnast. I sure hope he or she settles down a bit before I can start feeling all the movements, or I’m in for trouble!

Dr. Tom gave us a script for our Level II ultrasound. This ultrasound will examine the baby for any anatomic abnormalities. It’s typically performed between 18 and 22 weeks. During the ultrasound the technician will look at the fetal brain, heart, stomach, kidneys, spine, and umbilical cord insertion site. He will also note the position of the baby and how much amniotic fluid is present. Oh...and he’ll tell us the SEX OF THE BABY! Yippee! :)

Our appointment is scheduled for Monday, September 24th at 10:00 AM. (I will be 19 weeks by then.) Since this is Grandma Rentmeester’s birthday, we decided to invite her along to be one of the first people to know. I think she is very excited about seeing Grandbaby Number 5 on the big screen! We will be going to the same facility where we had the last ultrasound done (Phoenix Perinatal Associates), and we couldn’t be happier about that. They are extremely professional and thorough.

Next appointment with Dr. Tom: Wednesday, September 12th.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Baby Nielsen’s First Pictures…and Video

Today we had some first trimester tests done that can help detect chromosomal disorders. All of the results (from the blood test and ultrasound) came back really good, and we couldn’t be feeling better! We did not want to do anything invasive, but we felt like these tests would be a good way to help put our wandering minds at ease.

We know many of you have been anxious for the first photos of our little peanut, so click the link to take a closer look. You can also click a link to watch a short ultrasound video (1:50). Be patient. It may take a few seconds to load. Also, it's a smaller file size for the web so you may not want to have your screen maximized.

Baby Nielsen is still tiny…measuring just about 1 ¾ inches, but we were amazed at all of the tiny parts that were so easily distinguishable. If you look closely at the beginning of the video, you can see a very strong heartbeat. And if you stay tuned until the end, the technician does some handy labeling (don’t get too excited…it’s too early to tell the sex).

I am anxious to be out of the first trimester! (only about 1 ½ weeks to go) I have been feeling great! No sickness. No extreme food aversions. And I am finally starting to feel a little energized. Long days still wear me out, but overall I am feeling super!

We will be seeing Dr. Tom next week for a routine visit and will check back in to let you know how that visit goes…

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Children vs Pets

A couple days ago my Aunt Linda sent us an article that made her think of us. She called to tell us it was on the way, and laughed at the thought of us reading it. She wouldn’t tell us much about it, but she said we would enjoy it.

I was so excited when I received the letter in the mail I could hardly wait to open it! It is a fairly short article, so it didn’t take me long to read. She was right. I laughed as hard as she did all the way through each word.

Now, for those of you who know Chris and I well, you know how much we adore our canine child, Chloe. Yes, you have received the pictures and you’ve heard all the stories…we spoil her like she is human. I thought it would be fitting to include a link to this article for you to read. And as you read it I am sure you will laugh as we did, and smile knowing that we are about to endure exactly what this author talks about when the new baby arrives….however, we promise to make every effort to keep her a close part of the family. After all, we think she will make a great “big sister!”

And just in case we fall short on that promise, Aunt Linda has reassured us that if indeed we find ourselves waiting without patience for that “Lassie Moment” she will come to Chloe’s rescue and adopt her! (Don’t count on it, Auntie!)

Click the link under Fun Articles to read "Demoting the Dog"

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

1st Prenatal Visit

I had my first prenatal visit this morning. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Dr. Tom asked a whole bunch of questions, medical histories, etc. and did an exam. When we walked in the room, I was a little disappointed because I didn’t see anything that looked like it would be able to let me see or hear the baby. But lucky for us, I was wrong. Apparently there are only two machines in the office so they have to wait and snag it at just the right time before someone else gets it. Chris and I were so excited because we did indeed get to see the little peanut and the heartbeat! (only one…sorry, Mom) YAY! Chris saw it right away and well, it took me a minute, but I think I saw it. Needless to say, I didn’t exactly have the best seat in the house. Dr. Tom says there’s a nice strong heartbeat though, and that’s all I needed to hear. She tried to print a picture of the little one, but it just wouldn’t print. That was a bummer.

So, we are officially 9½ weeks pregnant with an estimated due date of February 15th. (Happy Birthday, Dad!) We got a huge pile of paperwork and informational type stuff. I need to stop by the lab tomorrow morning for some routine blood work. Like a dummy I walked out of the building without going there. I hate it when that happens!

Next appt: Tuesday, August 14th. (I will be seeing Dr. Tom every 4 weeks until I’m 30 weeks at which time I’ll start seeing her every other week.)

Until then, Chris and I will keep you up-to-date with what's going on in Baby Land. We just bought a bought a book called "Pregnancy: Your Ultimate Week-by-Week Guide." Our plan is to read the chapter that applies to our stage in the pregnancy together and try not to read ahead. This book will basically tell us what's going on in Baby Nielsen's world each week. We'll share the highlights with you as we go!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dream a Little Dream

I had my first dream about the sex of the baby. I have been told this will happen frequently especially as I get further along in the pregnancy. It wasn’t anything extraordinary…in my dream there was a way to test for the sex of the baby by peeing on a stick. :)
Kind of silly, but in my dream it was a boy. It’s way too early to know, but we’ll see…

Chris and I aren’t exactly on the same page as far as finding out the sex of the baby before he/she arrives. I most definitely want to know beforehand, but he doesn’t think he wants to know. I told him I can keep a pretty good secret, so if he really doesn’t want to know I just won’t tell him! ;) I have a sneaky suspicion though that he’ll be just as anxious as me when the time comes to find out!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Where’s Snow White?

She’s gone missing, but the Seven Dwarfs seemed to have appeared rather quickly…Sleepy, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Crampy, and Bloaty welcome aboard!

All in all I feel well, besides the fact that I am constantly exhausted. I sure would like to find some energy somewhere. I am having a little trouble sleeping at night, waking up every few hours and sometimes every hour on the hour. Not much sickness as of yet, although the occasional queasiness does pass by, but no puking…stay away Pukey!

I’ve decided that I need to get back in the habit of riding our recumbent bike. My goal right now is 20 minutes a day. Today I got a little crazy and rode for 40 minutes. Wow-Wee! Reading helps keep my mind off the fact that I’m actually exercising. hee hee ;)

I’ve started reading What to Expect When You’re Expecting, and Eating Well When You’re Expecting. Both are good reads so far, packed with great information!

Unofficial Due Date

So…when are we due? That seems to be the first question everyone asks. According to our calculations, we are expecting Baby Nielsen sometime in February 2008. Now, pinpointing the actual date is a little harder. We are guessing somewhere between Feb 9-18. There are so many ways to calculate it that we decided to wait until we see the doctor to get the official ruling. I’ve added a pregnancy ticker at the bottom of this blog page, but it may have to be updated once Dr. Tom gives us a more accurate date.

I have an appointment to see my OB, Dr. Judy Tom, on Tuesday, June 17th at 8:15 AM. Chris plans to go to as many appointments as possible. I’m not exactly sure what I will be doing/going through during the initial visit, but Chris will be there in case anything exciting happens. :)

The Story Unfolds

On Sunday, June 10th we took our first home pregnancy test. Having taken so many of these tests in the past, I didn’t think twice when I set the test stick on the back of the toilet and walked out to start some laundry. When I walked back into the bathroom to check it, I instinctively grabbed it, looked at the results, and almost threw it away. I looked a second time and realized this time it was positive!

What?!?! No. It couldn’t be. When Chris came in, I had tears in my eyes looking a bit shocked. I told him I was pregnant and he got the usual smirk on his face and said, “Why the tears? This is supposed to be a happy moment!” I smiled and knew he was right. I just couldn’t believe it was true. So when in doubt…get another stick out. :) Second test was the same as the first…positive.

With an impending surgery lurking just two weeks away, I needed to find out for sure because I knew the surgery would no longer be an option if I was pregnant. Monday morning I headed off to the doctor’s office to get a blood test. It was a STAT order so the results came back within just a couple hours. The nurse called to tell me the home pregnancy tests were accurate and I was indeed pregnant. I called Chris immediately to let him know. Then I had to call the surgeon’s office to let them know I wouldn’t be able to have the surgery after all. Ironically, they told me the donor tissue did not pass the bacteria tests and they were going to have to cancel the surgery anyway. It’s interesting how everything always works out the way it’s meant to be.


Chris and I are so incredibly happy to finally be blessed with a baby. We have tried so hard and for so long that we thought this day would never come. But here we are…finally pregnant! Although we haven’t told everyone yet, we had to share the news with a few friends and family. And now the daily questions keep flooding in, “How are you feeling? Do you want a boy or a girl? Have you thought about names?” While eagerly trying to answer everyone’s questions, we wanted to find a way that would help keep everyone up-to-date with the latest and greatest news about Baby Nielsen without repeating ourselves every minute. Blogging seemed liked the best way to accomplish that…so WELCOME to KC and the Baby Blog!

Feel free to post comments for the things you read. We'd love to hear what you have to say!